Art by Pixiv user 3247359

You're in the belly of the beast

Nascour Wardack || CIPHER

Art by adderstones


Nascour Wardack, son of Evice Wardack, is a known ranking member of the terrorist organization Cipher. His father, while formally the mayor of Phenac City, had dealings in the criminal underworld reaching back decades. It's unknown when Evice became involved in Cipher, but he proved crucial to their organization's rise to power. Evice acquired the Berserk Gene from the pharmaceutical division of Devon Corporation, a highly controlled substance synthesized from recovered cells of Mewtwo. Devon was diluting it to synthesize their X series supplements, but Evice had a far more devious vision in mind. Mixing the raw gene with other chemicals created a potent drug called R. When consumed or inhaled, R causes Pokémon to become far stronger, but uncontrollable. The high is dangerous, but ultimately temporary. Prolonged exposure causes a different effect, however. The savage strength becomes absorbed into a Pokémon's body, and they once again follow orders. These Pokémon under the permanent influence of R became known as Shadow Pokémon. His assistance in Cipher's operation brought Evice much wealth and favor from the organization's leader, though his curiosity had not been sated. Evice still wished to know: if a Pokémon can become a Shadow, can a human do so as well?Nascour was a young boy when the experiments began. His father infused his blood with R, causing his physiology to change. Hair growing wild, musculature increasing, and eyes glowing red, Nascour became just as ruthless and savage as a Shadow Pokémon. Those who can sense Aura can feel a horrific presence radiating from him, one that slowly corrupts those in the vicinity. With his son's strength, Evice hoped to eventually take over Cipher, if not the entire world. Though Nascour was a sound battler and strategist, he had not prepared to deal with the Snag Machine of Cipher's design being used against them, nor the ability of Celebi to purge the Shadow from a Pokémon. He, Evice, and the rest of the Orre branch were dismantled and arrested thanks to the efforts of a renegade member of Team Snagem, Cipher's former allies whom they had created the Snag Machine for. Nascour and Evice were put in maximum security detention, with strict guard. Several years passed, and Cipher as a whole collapsed after the defeat of Grandmaster Greevil. But Nascour would not be contained for much longer. His time spent imprisoned was not idle, he had been slowly twisting the hearts of the guards around him. On a fateful night, Nascour took hold of the Pokémon at the prison, and used them to set himself and the imprisoned executives of Cipher free.His father was not so lucky, however. Nascour saw no benefit to bringing him along, as he was old and feeble. So Evice was abandoned to his fate.Nascour made contact with a faction of Team Rocket, trading information and pooling resources. A Shadow Pokémon production facility was constructed, where Team Rocket would provide stolen Pokémon for experimentation, and in exchange receive Shadow Pokémon for their uses. This would serve to get Cipher a foothold immediately, and access to precious records once belonging to Dr. Blaine, on the original creation of Mewtwo. Nascour also made contact with an organization called Team Xen, and traded Cipher's information on Shadow Pokémon for access to Xen's stockpile of Rift Matter, a dangerous material that created Shadow Pokémon similar to R, and even more devastating Rift Pokémon.

Art by Sor (Eliminate)


[This page will cover headcanons.]• Nascour is the son of Evice, but treats him purely as a professional superior rather than family. Their relationship was nothing special before the experimentation began, but was completely gone by the end.• Their freaky appearances come from experimentation done on Nascour, the same process done to create Shadow Pokémon (the unrefined process used in Colosseum, before the advancements made in Gale of Darkness). Nascour has the same type of shadowy aura as a Shadow Pokémon, and the same cruel tendencies. He cannot control the aura beyond manifesting it to those who can already perceive it, but it has a natural corruption that eats at the aura of other people and Pokémon around him. Evice does not have his powers, but his aura and appearance have been corrupted over the years, though he can suppress it when taking the guise of Es Cade.• Evice is the younger half-brother of Joseph Stone, making Nascour and Steven Stone cousins. Steven and Nascour share similar speech patterns, all four members of the family have identical hair colors, wear primarily purple, and Nascour's cape resembles the blossoms of the Tiger's Claw tree, which shares it's name with Steven in Japan, Deigo/Daigo. In addition, both Steven and Nascour use Metagross as their ace in the games they serve as bosses.• R is the drug featured in the Detective Pikachu series, created using the Berserk Gene, a held item from Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal. While the X Items of the time only raised their respective stat by one stage, the Berserk Gene raised Attack by two stages and confused the Pokémon for the duration of the battle. It was created from Mewtwo's genes, and is held by wild Mewtwo which do not appear naturally. In the Detective Pikachu movie, R's gaseous form is the same dark purple as Shadow Pokémon's aura, and causes their eyes to glow red.


The Shadow Pokémon under Nascour's control. For the sake of variety and not having every move be called "Shadow _', the Pokémon's moves have retained their normal names, but are treated as Shadow type moves. All Shadow moves are super effective against all types of Pokémon except for Fairies, and Fairy type moves are their sole weakness. The Pokémon's natures are suppressed due to the effects of R.

Hydreigon, the Brutal Pokémon

Hydreigon's preferred moves are Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, and Earth Power. His nature is suppressed, he holds Choice Specs, and he has the ability Levitate.

Tyranitar, the Armor Pokémon

Tyranitar's preferred moves are Rock Slide, Crunch, Low Kick, and Protect. Her nature is suppressed, she holds a Life Orb, and she has the ability Sand Stream (activates Shadow Sky).

Art by K!chi

Aegislash, the Royal Sword Pokémon

Aegislash's preferred moves are Sacred Sword, Shadow Ball, King's Shield, and Substitute. It's nature is suppressed, it holds a Weakness Policy, and it has the ability Stance Change.

Volcarona, the Sun Pokémon

Volcaron'a preferred moves are Bug Buzz, Fiery Dance, Quiver Dance, and Protect. Her nature is suppressed, she holds a Rocky Helmet, and she has the ability Flame Body.

Metagross, the Iron Leg Pokémon

Magnezone's preferred moves are Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, and Explosion. It's nature is suppressed, it holds an Assault Vest, and it has the ability Clear Body.

"The Herald"
Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon

Created from research notes provided by Team GO Rocket in exchange for access to Shadow Pokémon. The Mewtwonite X embedded in it's shoulder has been tainted with Rift Matter, infusing Mewtwo's DNA with Shadow.Mewtwo's preferred moves are Psystrike, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, and Ice Beam. It's nature is suppressed, and it has the ability Pressure.Upon Mega Evolving, Mewtwo's ability becomes Steadfast.